Wykaz publikacji wybranego autora

Barbara Zagrajczuk, mgr inż.

zatrudnienie w ramach grantu

Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej i Ceramiki
WIMiC-ktspa, Katedra Technologii Szkła i Powłok Amorficznych

Identyfikatory Autora

ORCID: 0000-0002-0631-8031 połącz konto z ORCID

ResearcherID: CKW-2133-2022

Scopus: 56688534800

  • A new strontium and zinc doped bioglasses for tissue engineering
  • Antioxidant activity of novel PCL/bioactive glass composites enriched with polyphenolic compounds extracted from fruits and leaves of sweet cherry (\emph{Prunus avium} L.)
  • Antioxidant activity of novel PCL/bioactive glass composites enriched with polyphenolic compounds extracted from fruits and leaves of sweet cherry (\emph{Prunus avium} L.)
  • Poly($\varepsilon$-caprolactone)-based membranes with tunable physicochemical, bioactive and osteoinductive properties
  • Structural and chemical investigation of the gel-derived bioactive materials from the $SiO_{2}–CaO$ and $SiO_{2}-CaO-P_{2}O_{5}$ systems