Wykaz publikacji wybranego autora

Janina Wolszczak, dr


Wydział Energetyki i Paliw
WEiP-ktp, Katedra Technologii Paliw

Identyfikatory Autora Informacje o Autorze w systemach zewnętrznych

ORCID: brak

ResearcherID: brak

Scopus: brak

OPI Nauka Polska

  • Modifications of carbon matrix structure with boron carbide or titanium carbide by pyrolysis of simple coal tar pitch-based precursor systems
  • Nano-SiC implantation into the structure of carbon/graphite materials made by pyrolysis (carbonization) of the precursor system coal tar pitch/polydimethylsiloxane
  • The kinetics and the static of sorptic and dilatometric processes in the system of Polish coal and mixture of $CO_{2}$ and $CH_{4}$